Wednesday, June 24, 2009


i'm waiting to blog about my summer adventures until i have some pictures to post...but stay tuned for the following:

tales of painting: i found the perfect little mermaid teal to paint all over my living room. and after what ended up being 'caution sign yellow' all over my kitchen walls, i am nearing the end of covering up that disaster with a much more mellow mustard.

the secret garden: my mom hasn't worked in her flowers for two years, (since my dad died), so i have spent 2 weekends (the 3rd coming up in july) slaving away, uncovering what has been long unattended. i've mostly been digging up bricks and landscaping, killing off overgrown crabgrass, putting said bricks and landscaping back, weeding, digging, weed-eating some more. it will take all summer, but next summer it will be brilliance.

not-so-steel-magnolia's: i have what i believe to be the world's largest magnolia tree outside my apartment. i've been watching the blooms form, and they too, are ginormous. now, i thought with such a hardy tree, and blooms the size of my head, that i would be enjoying these for weeks. nope. seriously, this is what my life has come to, waiting for a flower to bloom.

patio pots: i've enjoyed working outside lately. it started last year. i slaved away at our [mario and i] house last summer. it was hard, and hot, and in the end, wonderful. now i have a two pretty decent sized flower beds at my apartment, and a large patio. so....i planted lots of flowers in the beds and mulched and raked and sweated. and in a few pots i planted sage, oregano, cilantro, parsley, mint, thyme, chives, lavender, and a couple bug-be-gone herbs. they are doing quite nicely. what is not doing so nicely? my tomatoes. the things are growing, getting taller, bigger, but NOT ONE BLOSSOM. i anxiously await tomatos. i talk to the thing, pray for the thing. nothin'. i will be so disappointed AND disgruntled if i don't get anything. poo.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts crack me up! Especially that celery one a while back. I laughed pretty hard. I'm still waiting for peppers to bloom too. Hmmm.....we wait.
