Monday, November 9, 2009

happy monday.

just because. he's gorgeous, isn't he? you're welcome.


an entire month has passed since my last blog. and i'm not sure where it went, but i can give you an update to my super-stellar fall.

in september...i visited the sturm....."army". i'm not sure how and when they became an army, but many they are, so that's what i'll call em'. it was wonderful. i love those kids as if they were my own little nephews and niece, and brian and mindi's home continues to be one of the safest places on earth. it was fun...we went to wal-mart and picked out a new wii game for emma. a "girlie" one, so that she could have something of her very own to play amongst all those boys. and then cooper and elijah helped pick out a new gecko. i bought elijah "dash" (may he rest in peace) when i left manhattan, and it was time for a replacement. all in all, it was a trip i need to make more often. and i will.

in october.....i went to the kings of leon concert at sprint, and then the mutemath show at the beaumont. let me state both were excellent. it's good i saw k.o.l. first, as mutemath blew them out of the water. i'm not entirely convinced that mutemath is more brilliant than k.o.l., i just think at this point in their career, they are allowed more musical freedom. you know, big sprint venue with time restrictions, etc. regardless, i was left inspired. and reminded once again how music is so very important to me, brings me to life, inspires joy. i love that about me.

and i got to see the thiessens. which also have proven to be one of the coolest families to walk the earth. i love them. matt and michelle have a faith i admire and find inspiring, a great sense of humor, and impeccable taste. and i guess have decided they need an army of their own. their children are beautiful.

and finally, california. it was a good time. except i nearly ripped my arm off doing the zipline at zach's camp. and perhaps one night i encountered far too much tequila. tequila and i will part ways for a very, very long time. perhaps forever. it did however, numb the pain of the rope burn temporarily.

let's see......we strolled the santa barbara pier, (and ran into seal, and the klum children. how fun is that?), played at zach's camp in ventura, ate good seafood at rodondo beach, stayed at a gorgeous hotel near beverly hills, and dined with some good friends. and drank with some good friends. and dined again. we did venture to the price is right, which was a great time, but a bit exhausting. and we layed out by the pool!!! which sounds totally sad with this fall weather at hand.

i thinks ben said it best when we were heading to zach's the first night. he mentioned how great it was to be on vacation with people he could be authentic with. it's true. the four of us travel well together. (april was sick and couldn't make it. her presence was missed terribly, but we'll do it again.) i'm not sure how it all works because we're so different. i think it works because we know our weaknesses and strengths. and understand it is everyone's vacation, so we take a genuine interest in making sure everyone is doing exactly what they hope for. i love, love, love spending this time with them. it's so special and i love, love, love the friendships that we have built on these trips.

upcoming excitement for november??? NEW MOON!! it's going to be terribly wonderful. and thanksgiving with my mom's family for the first time EVER.

i'll try to post pics, but you get the point.