Thursday, April 9, 2009


i can run a PC in my sleep. i understand my phone, (to a degree). i can somehow manage to get music on and off my ipod. i know photoshop, electronic medical records, and whatever else i've figured out along the way. last week i tried my hand at the drums via "rock band". and mariokart and i equal total domination.

enter, ps3. my nemesis.

not too long ago the price boys, april and i decided to hibernate an entire saturday. the whole day. it was glorious. we put a blanket up over the window as to enhance black-out mode. rented a couple flicks. ate some...ate some more. and we watched an awesome movie on the ol' ps3.

three days later, in an effort to not purchase my very own copy of the flick from blockbuster, i tried to return it. except it was stuck in the sacred tomb. (aka- the ps3.) i use the phrase "sacred tomb" in all seriousness. because that's how secure this thing is. (well, at first glance.)

effort #1- push all buttons possible on the front of the device. nothing.

effort #2- push all buttons on a hand controller. nothing.

effort #3- wave hands like a stark-raving idiot in front of device as if to set of some magical sensor that would set my captive dvd free. nothing.

effort#4- wish my roomates were home to give instruction.

effort #5- return to punching buttons. combos of buttons. combos of waving hands and pushing buttons. nothing.

effort #6- wish my roomates would answer their damn phones.

effort #7- wave arms fast. wave arms slow.

effort #8- daydream throwing said device against a wall.

effort #9- finally realize there is a power button hidden on the back. push eject. sigh of relief.

moral of the story: i'm going to go buy a Wii.

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