Wednesday, August 18, 2010

hot dogs, hot dogs everywhere.

i didn't take many pictures tonight. which is a relief for poor kevin. (i'm not sure that he finds the photo sessions that torturous, but in little brother fashion, my brother would hate it. thus, the previous statement.)

we went to the k. a first for kev, a kansas city first for matt, and a long overdue return for kel. it was grand. they played great. the hot dogs were a dollar. (and sodas!) and we laughed and had a good time.

enjoy the tales in photo.

THIS is what happens when i tell matt to smile.........
this is the beginning of the hot dog madness.....
in true china fashion...a couple tourist photos......

and some sweet moments with good friends and family.....

and yes. we did in fact consume 12 hot dogs total. i'll let you add the fingers and do the math.

good night!

(and i still have lots of great pics to post from the weekend, but i'll save that for another day.)

Monday, August 16, 2010

most importantly

we did lots of things this weekend. all things important in life, really. like- the deli, and del rio, and otto's, and scrabble, and back rubs, and long talks, and laughing....

but mostly, maya and i just got to be good, good friends.

to be continued.
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Friday, August 13, 2010

the waiting is over.

i will hug her in about 12 hours. it's been too long. i feel like i've lived a lifetime in these last 3 and a half years. and i've needed her. and though most of it's better now, it still feels like something has been missing.

i'm so excited.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

adventures in colo-rectal surgery. (part 1)

my job is easy, really. i do whatever needs done. i don't take it home with me.

patients, however, are complex. they are sick, scared, and unknowing of what to expect. some of them smell and some of them are weird. sure, there are hemorrhoids and constipation and things that will go away. but there is also cancer and HIV and permanent ostomy bags. it's overwhelming really.

i have the opportunity to love others well. to remind them they are heard and valued. i'd like to say i do that all the time, but i don't. it shouldn't be hard. i don't know why i get in the way, but i seem to make it awfully difficult.

a few weeks ago 'jane' came in the office. i don't really remember why she was there. she was truly odd, and i was uncomfortable.

when i finally got her all situated and turned to walk away, she pulled a massive album out of her purse and said, "want to see my pride and joy? i've got bragging rights." i quickly told her i didn't have time. so she sat down and waited. and my time freed up. and still she sat. i don't know why it was so hard for me to go sit with her and look through her dang album. but it was. i'd like to say it was love overflowing that finally motivated me to get up and sit with her. but it wasn't. it was total guilt. a wave of revealed selfishness and carelessness. this was not who i was supposed to be.

i got up and sat next to her. "all right, 'jane', let's see this!" in the end, to make this woman feel valued, took a total of ten minutes of my life.

'jane' showed me her album. it was about six inches thick and full of HUGE embroidery pieces she had made. like, five feet tall. most of them designed herself. she lives alone, with her two birds. she has five sisters, two of them are still alive and her companions. her husband is gone. recently her sweet landlord came and installed a window unit for these hot summer months. "a life saver." she survived breast cancer. and now, one more person has marveled her work. (my sweet dr. looked at them, too.)

thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to crawl out of myself and be some sort of resemblance of You.

i had to call her today to follow up on her surgical care, and she said with a laugh, "tell the dr. i don't hate him." what?!? she said, "the last time i saw him before surgery he said, you're not going to like me for a few days after this." oh, right. "i haven't felt this good in years......." (enter a tangent that lasted forever.) ok, well, i look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

and i actually meant it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

so bad it's good

i'd like to send a small shout out to the trendsetters that paved the way in making these colors acceptable for summer wear. i'm not sure who you are, or what made you so ballsy that one fine day, but thank you.

i'd like to say i'm daring enough to paint my nails blue or green without you blazing the trail, but i'm not. in fact, in a few months (**oh please be at least a year**) when women of the world resort back to pinks and reds, i will follow. for i am one that likes to blend in and follow in the fashion world. (what? it's the midwest.)

but for now, i will joyfully go to my color box and try to choose between "lavender lights" and "midnight rush". and paint my nails more often than necessary because i have every color under the rainbow. and enjoy it to the fullest.

next, i would appreciate it if you would address leg warmers. those might be fun for a stint.