Friday, January 29, 2010

something grand.

i should say something. but i haven't had the time. it's true. i don't have a computer, which i suppose i should remedy at some point, but i stare at one all day long and can't imagine giving any attention to one in the evening. (picture hunched shoulders and brooding carpal tunnel.) so my blogging opportunities are few and far between.

i'm getting ready to round off the big 3-0 next week. and 30 has been great. so, maybe i'll blog some highlights this weekend. post some pics.

but for now, know that i'm well. and trusting the Lord, something that i don't do as easily as i once did. but with so many things up in the air for the upcoming year, i'm glad He leaves me no choice.

happy friday.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you megan! Happy birthday! Glad you are doing ok.
